Sunrise over ocean, signifying daylight savings beginning

Time to Hit Snooze

October 14, 2022

As we welcome in Spring, the change in seasons can bring with it a number of causes for disrupted sleep…

The extra hours of daylight can have a detrimental effect on our ability to go to sleep, stay asleep and establish a regular pattern. Dreaded hayfever season rears its unwanted head and as the mercury climbs higher, the duvet ends up on the floor as we try to keep ourselves comfortable. With sleep playing a critical part in keeping our immunity, mental and physical health top-notch – it’s a good idea to catch all the shut eye we can.

No one's a stranger to a restless night. It only takes a depleted sleep to leave you feeling groggy, slow and just not quite your best self. It's time to repay your sleep debts - and we have some hot tips to help you do just that.

✔ Stick to schedule

Be sure to tuck in at a similar time every night and awaken at a similar time every day. Try not to let your schedule slip too much on the weekend either. Your body likes consistency – so keep that circadian rhythm in check!

✔ Join the dark side

Darkness helps the release of the hormone melatonin – that special substance that gets us snoozin’. Avoid screens, dim the lights and draw the curtains an hour before you hop into bed.

✔ Keep it cool

It’s best to draw your core body temperature down a few degrees before bed, as our best sleeps happen at 18-22 degrees Celsius. Water is a great cooling agent, so if you like to shower before bed – you’re helping your sleep already.

✔ Nail your naps

A little napping can go a long way and surprisingly enough, the shorter the better. Don’t take it from us, the folks at NASA have put it to the test on plenty of their long-haul pilots. A nap of just 26 minutes showed an impressive increase in alertness and job-performance!

✔ Get a comfortable bed, mattress and pillow

Hotels aren’t the only place you catch a luxurious night’s sleep. Plenty of studies have shown a revamp of your own bed and bedding can improve your sleep quality up to 60%. It’s recommended to upgrade your bed every 7 – 10 years, not only to ensure your bed is still in optimal condition, but so you can be fitted to a bed that suits each stage of your lifecycle. The support you need at 40 can be very different to the support you need at 50.

But... before you rush home to test your newfound sleep knowledge, remember to ease into it. It’s best to introduce one tip at a time, so you’re not adding to your mental load by worrying that your nighttime routine is perfectly in order.

Find out what works for you, make the list your own and share your tips with us at #SleepBetterNZ.

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